Yvette Griffea
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Field Staff - South High

wpe17878.gif (28395 bytes)Hi. My name is Yvette and I have been on young life staff for two years. Prior to coming on staff, I volunteered for two years and simply fell in love with the kids.

When I was younger I used to visit Minneapolis in the summer. I had a older friend whose name name was Jamie. Jamie would always come over and take me to the park, push me in the swing and watch me swim in the kiddie pool at King Park. I can't imagine why Jamie chose to spend some of her free time with me, but it made me feel very special!

I've lost touch with Jamie but  I wish I could tell her the impact that she had on my life. My vision is to be a "Jamie" to kids.  It's also my hope that through our relationship they will make a decision to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. That way my impact will be everlasting.

E-mail Yvette:  nubei@aol.com


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Last Modified:  January 04, 2001


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